Feb 20, 2022 – Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK by Fr. Terry Kerner I want to thank all of you who have expressed your congratulations on my 50th anniversary of ordination. Your greetings and gifts are very much appreciated...
FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK by Fr. Terry Kerner I want to thank all of you who have expressed your congratulations on my 50th anniversary of ordination. Your greetings and gifts are very much appreciated...
St. Kateri parishioners have always been very generous in their support of the parish. We are all very grateful for this & a hearty thank you is extended to all. We are now offering...
FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK By Fr. Terry Kerner As I write on this Tuesday morning for this weekend’s bulletin my thoughts reflect back on my ordination to the Priesthood on February 4, 1972. I...
FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK By Fr. Terry Kerner January is often a time of new beginnings and changes for many people. This is certainly the case for the parishioners of St. Alphonsus/St. Clement Parish....
Parish RegistrationWhy is it so important that we register in a parish? Isn’t it good enough that we go to Mass? Registration is the official way we join a parish community. Many people think...
From the Pastor’s Desk By Fr. Terry Kerner I sincerely want to thank all of you for your Christmas greetings, gifts, and goodies. Your kindness helped end a most difficult year on a high...