July 4, 2021 – Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Happy 4th of July!!
Happy 4th of July!!
From the Pastor’s Desk By Fr. Terry Kerner Last Sunday’s pancake breakfast was a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with so many of our parishioners. The last fifteen months have taken a toll on all...
Happy Father’s Day!! Treat your father to a complimentary pancake breakfast on Sunday, June 20th from 10 am to 1 pm in our hall.
From the Pastor’s Desk By Fr. Terry Kerner Last Sunday’s Blood Drive was a success! More folks volunteered to donate than the Red Cross could handle. The Red Cross’s goal of 25 was reached...
From the Pastor’s Desk By Fr. Terry Kerner This weekend we celebrate Corpus Christi — the feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. It is fitting that we celebrate at our...
From the Pastor’s Desk By Fr. Terry Kerner You will notice that at Mass this weekend we have our hymnals available, holy water fonts filled, and a general relaxing of protocols per the direction...
From the Pastor’s Desk By Fr. Terry Kerner This weekend we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost and what some have called “the Birthday of the Church”. God’s Spirit has come to dwell in our...
From the Pastor’s Desk By Fr. Terry Kerner In the next few days, you will be receiving our parish letter seeking your support for the Catholic Services Appeal (CSA). Many folks have already gotten...
Happy Mother’s Day!
From the Pastor’s Desk By Fr. Terry Kerner With the start of May, we can all look forward to better weather, longer days, spring flowers and all those nasty allergens. The word is that...