From the Pastor’s Desk by Fr. Terry Kerner,

This weekend Dearborn celebrates its annual Homecoming. Any former parishioner of St. Martha, St. Joseph or St. Kateri attending Mass this Saturday or Sunday should know you are missed and always welcome to celebrate with us. Over the years there have been many changes in Dearborn and her Catholic parishes. But the one constant is our devotion to and celebration of the Eucharist. You will always find a Catholic presence in our community. We hope that you take the time to reacquaint yourself with parishioners and neighbors that you have known for many years. Enjoy your coming home.

This year’s Catholic Services Appeal ends at the end of August 2024. There is still time to make a contribution via the mail, offertory or to the parish office. Most folks pay the entire amount with their gift to the CSA. That is the reason we can report $27,334 over our target has been raised for parish use at this time. Our target set by the Archdiocese was $48,351. We can proudly announce that we have far exceeded our target and have realized 157% of it with the help of 223 or 44% of our parishioners. The CSA has always been our only “fundraiser” and we have always exceeded our target. All donations are excused from the Archdiocesan assessment. Free of the tax, we have saved $1,913 thus far. I want to sincerely thank everyone’s generosity to the CSA this year. Whether you could give a little, a great deal or nothing at all this year, your spirit of stewardship is a blessing to St. Kateri!

Enjoy our new month and what is left of summer!