Fish Fry Finder (Powered by Archdiocese of Detroit)
https://www.fishfryfinder.org/ Powered by the Archdiocese of Detroit

Stations of the Cross
Join us every Friday during Lent at 12:00 pm Noon, for Stations of the Cross and Benediction. March 14: Stations of the Cross for Healing March 21: Stations of Strength: Praying the Stations of the Cross in Times of...

Fish Fry Finder (Powered by Archdiocese of Detroit)
https://www.fishfryfinder.org/ Powered by the Archdiocese of Detroit

The Making of a Saint: Servant of God Nicholas Black Elk, by Fr. Joseph Daoust, S.J.
You are cordially invited to a presentation by Fr. Joseph Daoust, S.J., Episcopal Delegate for the Diocesan Investigation of his Cause Sunday, March 23, 2025 at 12 pm noon St. Kateri Tekakwitha Parish Center, 16101 Rotunda Drive, Dearborn (between...

Stations of the Cross
Join us every Friday during Lent at 12:00 pm Noon, for Stations of the Cross and Benediction. March 14: Stations of the Cross for Healing March 21: Stations of Strength: Praying the Stations of the Cross in Times of...

Fish Fry Finder (Powered by Archdiocese of Detroit)
https://www.fishfryfinder.org/ Powered by the Archdiocese of Detroit

Euthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide: Moral and Legal Considerations
FRIDAY, MARCH 28 at 7 PM ST. KATERI TEKAKWITHA CATHOLIC CHURCH, 16101 ROTUNDA DRIVE, DEARBORN, Ml 48120 Two speakers will address this threat to human life and dignity: ATTORNEY: A member of the State Bar of Michigan since 2003, Negri’s...