Fish Fry Finder (Powered by Archdiocese of Detroit)
https://www.fishfryfinder.org/ Powered by the Archdiocese of Detroit

Stations of the Cross
Join us every Friday during Lent at 12:00 pm Noon, for Stations of the Cross and Benediction. March 14: Stations of the Cross for Healing March 21: Stations of Strength: Praying the Stations of the Cross in Times of...

Euthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide: Moral and Legal Considerations
FRIDAY, MARCH 28 at 7 PM ST. KATERI TEKAKWITHA CATHOLIC CHURCH, 16101 ROTUNDA DRIVE, DEARBORN, Ml 48120 Two speakers will address this threat to human life and dignity: ATTORNEY: A member of the State Bar of Michigan since 2003, Negri’s...