St. Kateri parishioners have always been very generous in their support of the parish. We are all very grateful for this and a hearty thank you is extended to all.
We are now offering Online Giving!
Click the button below to sign up and to begin contributing automatically to our parish. This convenient new system does not require you to contact your bank to sign up or to make changes. You can use any of your checking or savings accounts and the funds will be automatically transferred to our parish bank account. And it is convenient for you because you can make changes at any time. Online Giving is very easy to use and requires no special knowledge other than how to access the internet.
There are four ways to support our parish with your Offertory Contributions:
- Offertory basket at Mass
- Drop off or mail your contributions to the parish office
- Notify your bank to send checks to the office
Once you click the button above, you will be directed to the Online Giving website and you will no longer be connected to the St. Kateri website.