Two speakers will address this threat to human life and dignity:

Jason B. Negri, MS, E-mail:

ATTORNEY: A member of the State Bar of Michigan since 2003, Negri’s solo practice specializes in transactional law, wills & trusts and small business needs. He is a member of the Estate Planning & Probate section, and is a co-founder of the Religious Liberty Law section of the Bar.

AUTHOR: Negri has written articles which have appeared in Faith magazine, Crisis Magazine Online, and Columbia, the monthly magazine of the Knights of Columbus. He co-authored the booklet

Freedom to Flourish: A Catholic Analysis of Doctor-Prescribed Suicide and Euthanasia, published in 2011 by the Knights of Columbus as part of their Veritas series. He also authored the booklet Twenty Answers on End-of-Life Issues, published in 2014 by Catholic Answers, Inc.

EDUCATOR AND SPEAKER: Negri has taught courses in Business Law and Education Law as an adjunct professor at Concordia University in Ann Arbor, MI, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. He has also taught both Civics and Intro to Law on the high school level. He speaks nationally on the practical and ethical aspects of end-of-life issues, and has provided workshops and training to those seeking to improve their ability to effectively communicate these issues.

MEMBERSHIPS: Negri is admitted to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court. He has served on the boards of two different charter public schools in Southeast Michigan, and is the elected Treasurer of Hamburg Township in Michigan, where he resides with his wife Samantha and their children.

Robert Fastiggi (A.B. Dartmouth, Ph.D Fordham)

Robert Fastiggi (A.B. Dartmouth, Ph.D Fordham) holds the Bishop M. Kevin Britt Chair of Dogmatic Theology and Christology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit, MI where he has taught since 1999. He previously taught at St. Edward’s University in Austin, TX (1985—1999). He was the co-editor of the English translation of the 43 rd edition of Denzinger-Hünermann, Compendium of Creeds, Definitions, and Declarations on Matters of Faith and Morals (Ignatius Press, 2012) and the executive editor of the 2009-2013 supplements to the New Catholic Encyclopedia. He is a council member of the Mariological Society of America and a member of PAMI, the Pontifical Marian Academy International (Pontificia Academia Mariana Internationalis).