From the Pastor’s Desk

By Fr. Terry Kerner

We begin the Season of Advent this weekend and the beginning of a new liturgical year for the Church. Advent is a time of preparation for the Solemnities of Christmas remembering Christ’s First Coming at the same time looking forward to His Second Coming at the end of time. Meanwhile we celebrate in the interim and rejoice in His presence through the Eucharist and the grace He shares with us daily. Try to slow down during Advent and relish its lessons and what speaks to us each day.

We are in touch with the Capuchin bakery and hope to be taking orders for some holiday breads and other baked goods. The order form is on page 4. Also, this Advent we will make available the Giving Tree with its suggestions for gifting our usual charities. I also want to give you the time to think about participating in the “Ninety & Nice” program on the weekend before Christmas. We personally deliver to each of our 90-year-old parishioners a poinsettia and calendar. Think about if you might want to be a part of this kind gesture this year.

Again, I want to thank all of you for your prayers and beautiful cards during my illness. Your prayers are powerful and should never be taken for granted. Simple and uncomplicated prayers can bring powerful results. Keep them coming!

Have a good week and get ready for the winter on the way.