FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK                                 

By Fr. Terry Kerner

We ended our first year of Family Faith Formation with Mass on Monday, May eighth and celebrated a great year with great teachers and even greater young people! The Family of Parishes allowed us to combine the efforts of St. Kateri, St. Alphonsus-St. Clement and St. Maria Goretti parishes and their students into one program serving thirty-eight children. Beginning in September we began the effort to catechize boys and girls preparing for Confirmation and First Communion. All grades, 1 – 8 shared in religious education classes with faith instructions at the same time being offered to their parents. Part of the weekly instructions included what we call “Catholic Inculturation” which simply was sharing our heritage and customs with the kids. The Family Faith Formation program seeks to assist parents in teaching the richness of our Catholic faith with relevance for today’s living and culture. If your family would like to participate in the program next Fall look for notices in our parish paper or give the St. Kateri office a call in August. I invite everyone to check out the pictures in today’s bulletin that portray what we have been about this past school year!

I want to remind everyone of the Memorial Day weekend clothing collection. The St. Vincent de Paul truck will be in our parking lot to received clothing, shoes, and even small appliances you want to donate. Helpers are needed to help receive all those delightful clothes that used to fit but now wait for a little dieting and working out. Be assured there are some folks that cannot wait for us to diet.

My gratitude to all the “early birds” who have already contributed to the Catholic Services Appeal (CSA). After ten days we have already received 37% of our $48,818 goal. Like every year whatever is contributed over our target remains in the parish. Every year we have been able to accomplish this and have used the funds for various parish needs. Thank you to all who have contributed thus far. Remember that you shouldn’t give until it hurts, but rather until FEELS GOOD!

Have a great week and Spring weather.