From the Pastor’s Desk by Fr. Terry Kerner,

It seems the month of May is going by so fast, and we look for summer to be just around the corner. Already this weekend we celebrate Pentecost and the presence of God’s Spirit in our lives. Don’t ever for a moment doubt the Lord being present in your daily life. If you do, just say a trusting prayer, and ask Him to just help you know and feel His nearness to you today.

Three second graders are experiencing Christ real presence this weekend as they make their First Holy Communion at St. Kateri. Attending the Family Faith Formation program during this year they, with their parents, have determined their readiness for the Eucharist. Keep them in your prayer, or better yet, ask them to keep us in their prayers!

On page three of this weekend’s bulletin, we have pictures of the students in the Formation program. At the beginning of May we asked each class to choose an image of Mary and learn the history of the icon selected. From first grade to the Confirmation class, they all proudly displayed their favorite image of the Blessed Mother. Take time to visit the Oratory located between the church & the gathering space. You too can choose your favorite image of Mary.

In May we celebrate Mother’s Day. June recognizes Fathers. Looking for an excuse for a Sunday afternoon dinner we are offering a “Parents Day Dinner” on June 9th at 12:30. Look for the menu on page 5 of the bulletin today and reserve your place at the table for $21 payable through the offertory or at the parish office. Reservations are on a first come first served basis.

Our annual Catholic Services Appeal is off to a great start —thanks to you! After two weeks and as of May 13th we have reached 40% of our target. Hopefully we can go well beyond it and be able to apply the remaining funds to address some serious issues with the church air conditioning. (l am asking the first communicants for their prayers too!)

Have a good May!