From the Pastor’s Desk
As you know last month Archbishop Vigneron announced that the general dispensation to attend Mass would be replaced by a number of particular dispensations until further notice. In other words, Catholics are obliged to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation unless:
- You have underlying conditions or are in a high-risk category.
- You have flu-like symptoms.
- You have good reason to think you might be asymptomatic of a contagious illness.
- You cannot attend Mass through no fault of your own.
- You have significant fear or anxiety of becoming ill.
- You are a caretaker for the homebound or infirmed.
- You are 65 years of age or older per CDC’s recommendations.
We encourage everyone to make a best effort to return to our regular discipline of observing the Sabbath. Any questions you might have contact me or Deacon Tom.
Last summer three longstanding parishes merged to preserve their viability and vitality. St. John the Baptist, founded by Polish immigrants in 1926 merged with St. Sebastian founded in 1949 and with St. Albert the Great formed in 1955. The three parishes, along with four others within a five mile radius made up one of the most concentrated areas of Catholics in Wayne County at that time. The chosen site for the three merged parishes was St. Sebastian. The name of the new parish officially as of March first is St. Maria Goretti.
The new parish’s namesake, St. Maria Goretti, is among the younger canonized saints in the Church’s history. A virgin and martyr, she died in 1902 at the age of eleven after refusing the sexual advances of an assailant who stabbed and killed her. Despite the brutal attack, St. Maria forgave him as she was dying. Her assailant later begged her mother for forgiveness, and receiving it, entered a Capuchin monastery. St. Maria Goretti was canonized in 1950 by Pope Pius Xll. St. Kateri welcomes our new neighbor and all the saints who worship there with St. Maria! (Please note that the St. Sebastian Food Pantry remains open with their new name.)
As we hopefully are moving toward a new normal I would like our many newcomers to the parish to become involved in the various liturgical ministries. There is something to do for all ages and talents. Please note the “sign up” form in today’s bulletin.

Have a great week and enjoy every bit of that sunshine coming our way!