From the Pastor’s Desk by Fr. Terry Kerner,
This Sunday’s bulletin lists the Lenten schedule of services and liturgies for St. Kateri. Keep it handy. We all have a good understanding of Lent and its expectations for an enrichment of our faith and the call to charitable acts. We should not feel that Lent represents the “same old, same old” . It doesn’t. We really cannot say that every Lent is the same as the previous one because we are not the same as last year. New and different experiences have influenced us in subtle and sometimes in dramatic ways. So, we are different than a year ago. Lent can also be different for us this year. Take the opportunity to grow in the joy and confidence of your faith and charity and the opportunities for charity.
Last weekend we heard at all the masses from Michelle Smith of the St. Alphonsus – St. Clement from the St. Vincent de Paul Society. She offered an invitation to become a part of this long-standing charity. Your efforts can take many forms and ways that you can participate in helping the needs of our community. You can do as much or as little that you are able to do in your service to the needy. If you are interested in learning more or volunteering, you can reach Michelle at the St. Alphonsus – St. Clement parish office at 581-7495 extension #3.