From the Pastor’s Desk by Fr. Terry Kerner

With the high temperatures and humidity, I am hoping that everyone is exercising common sense when it comes to attending Mass on the weekends. Our parishioners are for the most part very faithful in attending Mass, but, if you have not noticed, some are up in years and vulnerable to upper respiratory and other health issues. We need to look out for one another, especially our seniors.

The weather this past week gives us reason to be thankful for the loyal service of our aging air conditioning in the church. It has served us well over the past few decades but is on its proverbial “last leg” and ready to retire. Pray God we can get the new unit up and running soon. We have studied three bids and accepted what we feel to be the most energy and cost efficient. The new unit with installation will run around $41 K. We will be withdrawing from our savings to cover the cost. However, the CSA is currently at 119% which means that $9,327 will remain in the parish and will apply to the cost of the project. Thank you to all who are supporting the CSA this year.

Donations can still be made through the mail, the offertory, or directly to the parish office.