From the Pastor’s Desk by Fr. Terry Kerner
Good News! The new air-conditioning equipment has been ordered. The expected delivery is in a few weeks. This is no doubt the worst time of the year to have this situation with the heat and humidity of summer, but it is what it is. Once installed I am sure we will appreciate AC for many years ahead. Thank you for all your patience.

We have had several funeral lunches and hosted other events over the past few months. So many times, I have heard from attendees how impressed they are with the cleanliness of our facilities and the well-maintained landscaping and grounds. All compliments are appreciated. But none of this is possible without the dedication and expertise of our staff. Special thanks to Therese Terns, Matt Masley and Mary Below for their continual dedication to the parish. I have to believe that our patroness St. Kateri inspires them. When you see Therese, Matt and Mary, let them know your gratitude for their efforts.

Every year I am amazed at our parish’s support of the Catholic Services Appeal (CSA). Currently we have 46% participation rate of parishioners allowing us to claim 152% of our target. This is our only “fundraising” effort every year and is not subject to any Archdiocesan tax. The CSA allows us to attend to necessary capital improvements, repairs and many other concerns. We realize that not everyone can afford a large gift. A large gift is not a measure of one’s generosity. Giving is! Everyone, if only praying for our efforts, is still giving from the heart. Our track record over the years reveals that St. Kateri parishioners have generous hearts.

Thank you for sharing your faith by attending Mass!