From the Pastor’s Desk
As you learned recently, Archbishop Vigneron has ended the dispensation from attendance at Sunday Mass effective March thirteenth. (Click here to view his letter). Of course there are always conditions and reasonable exceptions for not being able to fulfill one’s obligation. When in doubt consult a priest or a deacon.
Here at St. Kateri we have seen an increase in attendance and many new faces hidden under the omnipresent masks. We welcome all newcomers to the parish and invite them to register. A simple call or note to the parish office can make that happen. We also encourage new and current parishioners to become involved in our liturgical ministries. We have many committed folks already serving in various roles and would hope that they continue to do so. At the same time we have a responsibility to promote and encourage lay ministry in the parish. You are invited to become a Lector, a Eucharistic Minister, Sacristan/Usher, a Server, a Cantor or musician, and a a Live Stream Producer. There are only a couple of things you need to do: some mentoring and training with current ministers and getting over the nervous reluctance to serve. No need to feel inadequate or unqualified. Your willingness to serve is God’s Spirit ready to help. Please see the Volunteer Form (below) or give a call to the parish office (313.336.3227) to begin your service to the St. Kateri community. This Lent might just be the opportunity for serving the Lord more than you already do!

This Lent we have added two opportunities for private confessions in addition to our regular Saturday 3:00 pm time. Tuesdays from 5:30pm – 6:30 pm and again on Fridays of Lent from 12:30pm – 1:30 pm. Our entire Lenten schedule of liturgies can be found on our parish web page as well as in the weekly bulletin.
Deacon Tom and I offer prayerful wishes for you and your family to have a fruitful Lent and meaningful journey to Easter that we will travel together.