FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK by Fr. Terry Kerner
I want to thank all of you who have expressed your congratulations on my 50th anniversary of ordination. Your greetings and gifts are very much appreciated and certainly reflect your kindness to me and to the priests over the years who have served you. We look to have something of a parish celebration of my anniversary perhaps in June or in the fall. Covid has influenced plans for everyone and hopefully we can get beyond it and enjoy getting together once again. Meanwhile may we continue to help one another through this winter and pandemic.
I want to thank everyone for your support of the parish over the last year. As you prepare your income tax know that you can receive your statement of contribution from St. Kateri simply by call the office or sending in the short request form in the bulletin. We will list all the different categories of donations you have made except the CSA which is sent to you by the Archdiocese. We have also begun Online Giving which allows for automatic giving to the parish. You can use your banking or checking accounts to transfer your offertory directly to the parish account. For further information you can go directly to the parish website at and select Online Giving. This form of giving is not for everyone, but it may help some folks be able to give on a regular fashion.
Lent begins in just a few days, and I would hope that we take it seriously with a certain amount of joy that comes when we find ourselves free from negative habits and take on an attitude desirous of growing in Faith. We have some creative planned for going about Lent this year. Look for them in next week’s bulletin and online.
Have a good week and look forward to Spring weather one of these days!