From the Pastor’s Desk
By Fr. Terry Kerner
Lent begins this Wednesday bringing an opportunity to grow in our faith and love for God and neighbor. We are blessed as Catholic Christians to be encouraged to “repent” and change things for the better. Repenting means seeing things in a different light. It is not a time to convince God how bad we think we are, but rather to embrace what God already knows how good we really are. If you are reading this column means you have not fallen from the grace of God. But you should know that grace — sharing in the life of God — can always grow and bring more and more happiness to you. Yes, “repenting” is a matter of choice. It is a moment when we can choose to live either in the “same old same old” or take on disciplines that bring us to a more enriching realization of the Lord’s grace in our lives. Depending on how we answer the call of Lent will determine just how peaceful and joyful Easter will be for you this year. Happy Repenting!