From the Pastor’s Desk by Fr. Terry Kerner,

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ is probably better known by older Catholics as “Corpus Christi”. No matter how you remember it or call it, it remains a significant feast for the Church. The feast recalls WHO we are and WHY we are. We Christians share the grace of God as brothers and sisters and live a common life of trusting faith not only in God but in one another. We are, with one another’s support, what God expects and hopes us to be. Why? Because to know and care for another human being is to share in our goodness and value. To care is to realize the meaning of Corpus Christ. Think about how you receive Holy Communion and the awesome reality it means for you. You are sharing in the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of the Lord. Every bit as much as the person sitting next to you. We’re all in good company!

Next Sunday afternoon you are invited to a “family dinner” at St. Kateri. It might be an experience you have not been able to celebrate for a while with loved ones in your busy family. All are invited. Come with friends and family. It is dedicated to the memory of our parents who have provided for us through the years. Though our parents never charged us to eat, we have to! The 12:30 pm Dinner includes city chicken, breaded pork chops, kielbasa, and cabbage rolls all for $21. Reservations are made with your payment to the parish office or placed in the offertory. Don’t wait. Time is short.

I have to sincerely thank all who have supported the CSA drive thus far. After three weeks we are at 63% of our goal, which is the VERY BEST the parish has ever done. Perhaps the fear of our airconditioning giving out this summer inspires our success. Our aging cooling system, which has served us well for a few decades, is giving out. We will use excess CSA funds to replace it. Thanks be to God for generous and heat-adverse parishioners like you!

Have a great June!