Lord, please hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless act they perform for us in our time of need. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.

U.S. Air ForceU.S. ArmyU.S. MarinesU.S. Navy
Diamond Knight
Kathleen Lyons
Teresa Lyons
Timothy Lyons
Connor Plate
Nick Calvas
Dalton Evans
Adam Schneider
Anthony P. Alfano
Louis J. Bardel
Lukas Boudreau
Connor Danaher
Haley Valentine
Joseph R. Walker
Brendan Burns
Conor Burns
James Donahue
Ben LePage
James Smith
Rob Swales


God our creator and sustainer, today our country brings to our memory those who have defended this nation in times of trouble.

They have sacrificed their lives to protect our shores from those who would limit our freedoms or enslave us to ways that are against your will.

Bring all those who have died in service to our country into your heavenly presence.

We humbly call down your blessing on those still serving; grant your heavenly protection to these men and women, and open your Sacred Heart to give them peace and comfort.
