God of our ancestors, we thank you for our children and our children’s children. They are reminders from you about how precious life can be.
We humbly ask for wisdom and patience as we take pride and wonder in our grandchildren.

Those of us who now pray to you also seek your blessing upon these men and women who are our grandparents or who act in place of grandparents. Bless all the children and their parents and grandparents
with your abundant grace.

We ask all this through the intercession of Saints Joachim and Anne, parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary, patron saints of grandparents,
in the power of the Holy Spirit.


“You know you’re a grandparent when you laugh when your grandkids do the same things that made you so angry when your kids did them.”
– author unknown

“If I had known grandkids were so much fun, I would have had them first.”
– author unknown