I promised to report on the results of the Meijer Simply Give Program that
ended December 28th. We received $40,970.00 in Meijer’s Food Only Cards. With the amount of our neighbors in need that we serve, these cards will
go to good use.

Meijer has started their winter Simply Give Program for us. The program
runs December 29th through March 29th with doubler days March 1st and
March 22nd
. Thank you for all your donations and Blessings
– David, President St. Maria Goretti/St. Vincent DePaul

Please continue to either drop off your food at the pantry on Mondays and Wednesdays between 11:30am till 1:00pm (except for Holidays) or bring them to church and leave them in the donation boxes/containers.


Dollar Store:

  • Bar Hand Soap
  • Deodorant
  • Shampoo
  • Woman’s Razors


  • Raisin Bran
  • Honey Bunches of Oats
  • 1 lb bags of White Rice
  • Knorr Products

Gift Cards:

  • Aldi
  • Dollar Tree
  • Kroger

The Food Pantry also accepts monetary donations.

  • For a cash donation, please enclose in an envelope clearly marked for the SVDP Food Pantry.
  • For a check, make it payable to “St. Maria Goretti-SVDP” and in the memo line “FOOD PANTRY“.
  • Gift cards to Kroger, Aldi and Dollar Tree are greatly appreciated.

The generous will be blessed, for they share their food with the poor. Proverbs 22:9

Thank you and may God’s blessings keep you and your families safe.