From the Pastor’s Desk

By Fr. Terry Kerner,

January is always a good time to take stock of many things in our lives. Besides the New Year resolutions that probably have been forgotten or at least readjusted by now we still have other things to tend to this month. If you have been attending St. Kateri for Mass on a regular basis it might be time to become a registered parishioner. Many new faces have appeared over the last several months and I want to welcome them. At a certain point we need to move from being a ‘(visitor” to enrolling as a parishioner. It shows a practical commitment and statement about your being a practicing Catholic with a sense of belonging to a community of fellow believers. Belonging brings a sense of support and sharing in both good and difficult times. It can bring comfort knowing that others share your belief and values. It strengthens your embrace of those grace-filled moments experienced with your Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.

January 2023 might just be the time for a new year resolution that will be kept and enjoyed in the years ahead. To register, give the parish office a call at 313.336.3227. We’ll be in touch with you.