From the Pastor’s Desk by Fr. Terry Kerner

Advent is here and that means Christmas is just around the corner! The season celebrates the preparation for the First Coming of the Son of God with anticipation to His Second Coming at the end of time. Meanwhile we live with hope and expectation. God’s generosity takes on a vibrancy and tenderness with our own and parish gift-giving and outreach. I think “we get it”! Our Giving Tree is already empty of all requests for gifts. All that remains are a few envelopes for food donations. Every weekend the amount of food collected for the St. Maria Goretti”s Food Bank overwhelms their volunteers. Parishioners are becoming aware of our participation in the All Saints Soup Kitchen every third Wednesday of the month and folks are invited to join in this ministry.

Advent and Christmas are certainly a time of generous gift-giving, but I see our parish doing it year-round. We can be thankful for all our parishioners offering their time, talent, and resources throughout the year. Let’s be joyful and enjoy getting ready for Christmas!

You will be seeing a new face at Mass in the days ahead. Deacon Tom has been asked by the Archdiocese to mentor a candidate for the Deaconate. Actually, all of us are “mentors” by being ourselves and encouraging the candidate to loving and serving God’s people! Please welcome Christopher Jaskowiec and read Deacon’s introduction in today’s bulletin.


I would like to introduce to you our Deacon Intern, Mr. Chris Jaskowiec, whom you will see a lot of in the coming year. Chris is in his last year of study at Sacred Heart Major Seminary. Additionally, Chris will be shadowing me in my deaconate responsibilities for the next 10 months or so, to understanding more clearly the role of a Permanent Deacon. God willing, Chris will be ordained in October 2024.

Chris is a “cradle” Catholic currently residing in Dearborn Heights. He graduated from Bishop Borgess H.S., received a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science from U of M-Dearborn, & a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of Detroit-Mercy.

Over the years, Chris grew stronger in his faith. At St. Mel’s Church he served on the parish and finance councils, was a lector and catechist to elementary and junior-high students. Chris volunteered in many other capacities not the least as a cook for their parish festivals, specializing in pierogi, golabki, pork chops, and au gratin potatoes. 

It was after a visit to the Holy Land in 2015, when Chris touched the spot where the Lord Jesus was born and knelt at the spot where He was crucified, that Chris experienced the call of the Lord to serve His Church in a deeper way. He began his studies at the Seminary in 2019 and continues to hear the Lord beckon him. 

Chris has never been married and has one older brother. Besides cooking, Chris enjoys gardening, home improvements and traveling. 61 years old, Chris was employed in Information Technology (IT) until 2019. He now serves as the business manager and wedding coordinator at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament.

Would you please extend a warm welcome to Chris and keep his hope for ordination in your prayers. 

God Bless You All, Dcn. Tom